Restriction on Deductibility of Interest - Section 140C
PDF) Local-Foreign Technology Interface, Resource-based
Back Matter in: IMF Staff Country Reports Volume 1995 Issue 127 (1996)
SME Corporation Malaysia - Books - TAX INCENTIVES FOR SMEs IN MALAYSIA
Back Matter in: IMF Staff Country Reports Volume 1995 Issue 127 (1996)
Malaysia Personal Income Tax Guide 2020 (YA 2019)
Income tax act 1967 (update & reprint 2006)
SME Corporation Malaysia - Pestech Sdn. Bhd.
Back Matter in: Tax Law Design and Drafting, Volume 2
Transfer Pricing Solutions - Interest Deductibility Restrictions
Section 127 Income Tax Act - Lilliangck
CEPAL Review no. 127 by Publicaciones de la CEPAL, Naciones Unidas